(603) 835-2986 Visit town websiteChesterfield
(603) 363-4624 Visit town websiteDublin
(603) 563-8544 Visit town websiteFitzwilliam
(603) 585-7723 Visit town websiteGilsum
(603) 357-0320 Visit town websiteHarrisville
(603) 827-5546 Visit town websiteHinsdale
(603) 336-5712 Visit town websiteJaffrey
(603) 532-7445 Visit town websiteKeene
(603) 352-0133 Visit town websiteMarlborough
(603) 876-3751 Visit town websiteMarlow
(603) 446-2245 Visit town websiteNelson
(603) 847-0047 Visit town websiteRichmond
(603) 239-4232 Visit town websiteRindge
(603) 899-5181 Visit town websiteRoxbury
(603) 352-4903 Visit town websiteStoddard
(603) 446-3326 Visit town websiteSullivan
(603) 847-3316 Visit town websiteSurry
(603) 352-3075 Visit town websiteSwanzey
(603) 352-7411 Visit town websiteTroy
(603) 242-3845 Visit town websiteWalpole
(603) 756-3672 Visit town websiteWestmoreland
(603) 399-4471 Visit town websiteWinchester
(603) 239-4951 Visit town websiteCounty government consists of two branches; a Legislative Branch, the County Delegation, comprised of twenty-two elected Representatives, and an Executive Branch, consisting of three Commissioners.
The primary role of the County Delegation is to appropriate the necessary funds to operate the county. Many laws passed in Concord have a direct fiscal impact on county government. As lawmakers and county delegates, members of the County Delegation have the knowledge and insight of state law, which enables them to deal effectively with the financial ramifications state law has on their county.
The Commissioners are part-time elected officials responsible for overall supervision of county departments, buildings and land, and exercise budgetary oversight of all county expenditures. An annual county budget is prepared by the Commissioners and submitted to the County Delegation for final approval. The Cheshire County Commissioners meet weekly throughout the year to review county business.
The Executive Committee of the County Delegation conducts an in-depth review of the Commissioners proposed budget as submitted by the County Commissioners. After the Executive Committee review, their sometimes modified budget is presented to the full Delegation, who then vote on the appropriation of funds for the county’s annual budget. Minutes of County Delegation, Executive Committee and subcommittee meetings are maintained on this website and can be accessed by going to the Delegation Page and clicking on the desired year.
The County Administrator position is a creation of the Board of County Commissioners. Unlike city managers, County Administrators have no statutory authority. All authority vested in the county administrators is at the sole discretion of the Board of County Commissioners.
2025 Executive Committee’s Proposed Budget
2025 Commissioner’s Budget Letter to the Delegation and Municipalities
2025 Commissioner’s Proposed Budget
New Hampshire’s Right to Know Law
County government consists of two branches; a Legislative Branch, the County Delegation, comprised of twenty-four elected Representatives, and an Executive Branch, consisting of three Commissioners.
Cheshire County Administration
12 Court Street
Keene, NH 03431
(603) 352-8215
Fax (603) 355-3000
Christopher C. Coates
County Administrator
(603) 355-3031
Davis Bernstein
Director of Executive Services & Communications
(603 ) 283-9415