A variety of departments support a wide range of needs for Cheshire County residents.

Office consists of the County Attorney and five Assistant County Attorneys.
Team includes the Superior Court Judge, Probation, Law Enforcement, County Attorney, Public Defenders, House of Corrections, Case Management Coordinator, and Treatment options.
Behavioral Health >
Alternative Sentencing Program and Mental Health Court serve the local criminal justice system and the community.
Prime goal is the operation of a safe, humane facility that provides programs and services that afford inmates opportunities for positive change.

Commissioners >
Consisting of two branches; a Legislative Branch and the County Delegation, comprised of 24 elected Representatives, and an Executive Branch, consisting of three Commissioners.
Delegation >
Primary role of the County Delegation is to appropriate necessary funds to operate the county.
Treasurer >
An elected position, having specific duties pursuant to NH RSA 29 County Treasurers and County Taxes.

Maintaining and upkeep of county buildings for health and safety of employees and visitors.
Finance >
Responsible for Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Budget Preparation and more
Grants >
Offsets the costs and expands various County services as a fiscal sponsor to area organizations.
Human Resources >
Attracts and retains a qualified and educated workforce and provides a positive work environment.
Registry of Deeds >
Processes information related to selling and buying of property.

Maplewood Nursing Home >
Dedicated to providing exceptional, professional nursing care in a friendly home environment.

Cheshire County EMS >
It is the mission of Cheshire County EMS to provide quality basic and advanced life support in a professional and compassionate manner and to preserve the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens who reside within Cheshire County by providing the highest level of care and standards of pre-hospital emergency care.
Safety >
Ensuring the County provides a safe and healthful workplace free of recognized hazards.
Sheriff >
High quality civil process services, transportation of prisoners, court security, public safety communications and law enforcement.