County of Cheshire Request for Proposals
The County of Cheshire is requesting a detailed proposal from qualified consultants to assist in implementing a trauma-responsive approach by the Cheshire County Treatment Court team.
Submissions and Timeline
- RFP release date: Wednesday, February 26, 2025.
- To receive RFP addendums, questions and answers, and any available additional documents to assist in preparing the proposals, please submit intent to apply notice by email containing name and email address to the grants manager Intent to apply notice is not required to apply.
- Questions must be submitted in writing via email to the grants manager no later than 12:00pm on Monday, March 25, 2025. Responses will be made available to all bidders within 2 business days.
- Project proposals are due by 12:00pm on Wednesday, April 9, 2025. Proposals must be sent via PDF attachment to an email sent to
- Interviews of bidders will be scheduled between Monday, April 14, 2025 to Friday, April 25, 2025.
- The estimated date for selection of contract awardee is Friday, May 2, 2025.
- The estimated start date for contract is Monday, May 5, 2025.
Scope of Work and Technical Requirements
- Contract Scope of Work shall be (timelines estimated and may be negotiated):
- Observe and make recommendations on team dynamics, level of engagement, and current functionality, including recorded observation of team meetings both before and after the training (months 1-3).
- Review data provided by Cheshire County Treatment Court (months 1-3), including:
- Clinical data and assessments from evidence-based instruments, such as ACEs, LEC 5, PCL 5, and the International Trauma Questionnaire.
- Deidentified participant demographic data, such as age, gender, race/ethnicity, substances used, enrollment date, date of sobriety, date of program graduation or termination, reasons for termination, 6-month follow up information, relapse data, recidivism and re-arrest data, etc.
- Research best practices for applicable policies and procedures for trauma-responsive drug court teams and adapt Treatment Court Team’s internal policies and procedures to conform with best practices (months 1-3).
- Assess the team’s need for training and provide training recommendations (months 1-3).
- Define roles of team members (months 1-3).
- Identify boundary violations (months 1-3).
- Create criteria for treatment goals (months 1-3).
- Create customized training approach and materials for Cheshire County Treatment Team (months 1-3).
- Provide trauma-responsive training on the principles and guidelines, roles, boundaries, and interactions customized to Treatment Court. These trainings will be videotaped by Cheshire County Treatment Court for future viewing as a refresher for current team members and for orientation of new members. Specifically, provide a day-long training to the team, plus one to two additional trainings in the remainder of the year to keep the team up to date; as well as a half-day training and discussion with clinical providers (months 4-6).
- Reshape the physical court (full day in person) (months 4-6).
- Review contracts with treatment providers and propose revisions to require trauma-responsive treatment (months 1-3).
- Examine initial flow chart and criteria for how participants are selected to make them objective and non-biased (months 1-3).
- Review and revision of all introductory materials provided to participants (months 1-3).
- Provide monthly consultations to ensure project remains on track and to provide technical assistance and coaching (months 7-until end of contract term).
- In-person observation and consultation over the contract term at least once and preferably three times.
- Contract deliverables shall be (timelines estimated and may be negotiated):
- Revisions of contracts with mental health agencies (month 4).
- Written report of team’s responsiveness training needs and customized approach, including defining roles, boundaries, and criteria for treatment goals (month 7);
- Revised Treatment Court Team policies and procedures (month 7);
- Training materials and provision of in-person training (months 1-6);
- Trauma-Responsiveness Treatment Court training confirmation of completion (month 9).
- Expert, professional experience in:
- Reaching trauma-responsiveness, which is a step beyond trauma-informed, and two steps beyond trauma-aware);
- Applying trauma-responsive principles specifically to a treatment court for high-risk and high-need individuals;
- Providing consultation on practical adaptation of policies, procedures, and curricula;
- Reviewing and consulting on interactions and communications of treatment court members;
- Working with clinical and nonclinical professionals and diverse team members with competing motivations.
- Education:
- Master’s level minimum, PhD preferred.
Proposal Requirements
- Approach: Clearly articulate the ability to meet the Scope of Work and Deliverables as described above, or propose an alternate approach if the consultant thinks that there is a better approach to achieve a trauma-responsive treatment court team.
- Timeline: Clearly articulate the ability to meet the timeline provided above for the Scope of Work and Deliverables, or propose an alternative timeline if the consultant thinks that there is a better timeline to achieve a trauma-responsive treatment court. Clearly articulate the ability to meet the entire Scope of Work and all Deliverables by August 31, 2026.
- Communication: Describe the consultant’s communication preferences and style in terms of methods and frequency with the project director, in order to keep the project director apprised of the status of the work and coordinate the training and other activities.
- Qualifications: Provide detailed list of credentials and experience that meets the above listed required qualifications; or provide a detailed explanation of how alternative qualifications can meet or exceed the expectations of the Scope of Work and Deliverables. Lack of relevant experience on the part of the consultant may be grounds for disqualification.
- County responsibilities: Indicate what your expectations are for the County in order for to ensure a successful project.
- References & example work/portfolio: Provide a description and references for three (3) comparable/similar consulting projects the consultant has undertaken over the past ten (10) years. Reference information shall include names, addresses/locations, telephone numbers, email addresses, dates, and brief description of the work performed. Optional: include any materials used in the consulting projects. Example work may be provided in the form of an attachment to the proposal or as a web link to the source.
- Price Proposal: Contract type shall be cost-reimbursement. Provide total price proposal amount, and a breakdown by hours/units and rates. Specifically: provide
- Hourly rate for consultant work (not to include travel time) and the estimated number of hours needed for consultant work;
- Hourly rate for travel time and the estimated number of hours needed for travel to and from Keene, NH at least three times, each for at least two full days on site;
- Travel costs and types for three round trips to Keene, NH, each for 2 full days on site; separate costs for airfare, lodging, mileage, parking, ground transportation, per diem and other costs; must follow GSA and IRS limits;
- Itemized list of any other supplies, materials, or costs needed to complete the project, including quantities and rates.
- Provide UEI and EIN numbers if available, or indicate the consultant is a sole proprietor.
- Debarment/suspension: Provide a statement that clearly articulates the consultant is not debarred, suspended, or otherwise prohibited from receiving federal funds.
- Submit 1 electronic file of the proposal in a single PDF file; all fonts shall be Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, and in sentenced case.
Selection Criteria
Before making its award or issuing a contract, the County shall consider the project proposal, work, and/or services or products delivered that best serves the needs and financial interests of the County.
Selection of the consultant will be based primarily on qualifications and their ability to meet the Scope of Work and Deliverables by the stated Deadline.
The County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to award any proposal, to waive as an informality any irregularities on proposals received, and to omit any item or items as it may deem to be in the best interest of the County.
The decision of the County shall be final and not subject to review or appeal.
- Approval and award of a contract is contingent upon the continued availability of funding to accomplish the project.
- This consultant contract is supported by a grant from the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, BJA FY 21 Adult Drug Court and Veterans Treatment Court Discretionary Grant Program, with no part of this contract financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by the grantor, their parent agency, or the U.S. Government.
- Type of contract: cost reimbursement.
Privacy, Confidentiality, and Publicity
Information provided through this RFP process is the responsibility of each consultant applicant. Applicants agree not to hold Cheshire County, NH, its affiliates, members, partners, and staff liable for any losses, damages, costs, or expenses of any kind relating to the use or the adequacy, accuracy, or completeness of any information appearing in an application.
Depending on the individual circumstances of this RFP and proposals, any or all parts of this process and corresponding submissions may be considered public information. Any confidential information, including trade secrets, shall be redacted or removed by the applicant prior to submission.
If awarded, be advised that the business/applicant’s application information, name, statements, and other information provided during the award process may be used for promotional purposes in all forms and media and the business/applicant may be contacted by Cheshire County, NH for such purposes. Until notified, applicants must agree not to share any status as a finalist publicly, including but not limited to all social media platforms, news media, or local publications.
Conflict of Interest
Any employee, officer, or agent of Cheshire County participating in the selection, award, or administration of funds must disclose to the Board in writing if they have a real or apparent conflict of interest regarding any applying entities. Such a conflict of interest would arise when the employee, officer, or agent, any member of their immediate family, their partner, or an organization which employs or is about to employ any of the parties indicated herein, has a financial or other interest in or a tangible personal benefit from an entity considered for funding. The officers, employees, and agents of Cheshire County may neither solicit nor accept gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from fund recipients. Cheshire County employees, officers, or agents with a conflict of interest must disclose the conflict in writing to the Board, recuse themselves of any vote pertaining to the contract, and dismiss themselves from any conversation(s) relating to a contract or its terms or conditions.